Autor: Makungu e.V.

  • [:en] Use of Donations [:][:de] Spendenverwendung [:]

    [:en]The latest spendings out of our donation pot were used for paying the school fees and buying new school uniforms for the children. In addition, we achieved that the kids can attend the same school as previously they were splitted up to several schools. As you can see, one of our main objectives is to […]

  • [:en]Christmas in Kenya[:][:de]Weihnachten in Kenia[:]

    [:en]Due to our fundraising Event “Krismasi Special” in early December, we were able to collect enough donations to organize a Christmas celebration for our children in Kenya: In our new home they had a tasty meal, celebrated and laughed a lot. The Kids that are not yet able to return also received presents and will […]

  • [:en]200 Likes on Facebook![:] [:de]200 Likes bei Facebook![:]

    [:en]We’ve reached 200 Likes on Facebook! We just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who follows us and takes an interest in what we do. We really appreciate all the ongoing support! [:][:de]Wir sagen Danke für 200 Likes bei Facebook! Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei allen bedanken, die uns hier folgen, […]

  • [:en]Makungu’s Krismasi Special 01.12.17[:][:de] Makungu’s Krismasi Special 01.12.17[:]

    [:en]On the first Sunday in Advent, “Makungu e.V.” invited supporters, friends and family to Makungu’s first “Krismasi Special”. Krismasi is Swahili and means Christmas. The intention of this event was on the one hand to discuss the current situation of Makungu and on the other hand to collect donations. This time the donations were especially […]

  • [:en]Makungu Website Launch[:][:de]Makungu Website Launch[:]

    [:en] Today we can proudly announce that our website is finally launched. On the website you can find more information about Makungu and also how you as an individual can support and play a part in our organization. We would be pleased if you visit our new webpage and also recommend it to family and friends. […]

  • [:en]Foundation “Makungu-Waweru” in Kenya[:][:de]Gründung „Makungu-Waweru“ in Kenia[:]

    [:en]„Makungu-Waweru“ is our counterpart in Kenya founded on the 7th of March 2017. The non-profit organization is represented by Elizabeth Muthoni (called Liz), a former carer in the orphanage „Care Home“ and now executive of the association. “Makungu-Waweru” was named after and in honour of Elizabeth’s grandfather Willy Waweru Kingori who was an active supporter […]

  • [:en]Foundation Makungu e.V. 07.05.2017[:][:de]Gründertreffen 07.05.2017[:]

    [:en]On the 7th of May 2017 Marina Sengmüller, Amelie Nabih, Willi Sengmüller, Stefan Sengmüller, Laura Schwellensattl, Lilian Polosek and Tara Benjamin met in Munich to officially found „Makungu e.V.“ and to agree on the association’s charter. In this context, Marina Sengmüller and Amelie Nabih were elected as the board of the association. Afterwards they discussed […]

  • [:de]Was ist Makungu?[:en]What is Makungu?[:]

    [:de] “Makungu” ist ein non-profit Projekt in Kenia. Dieses wird getragen von der gemeinnützigen Organisation “Makungu-Waweru” in Kenia und “Makungu e.V.” in Deutschland. “Makungu” wurde gegründet mit dem Wunsch dem Waisenhaus “Care Home” weiterzuhelfen. Die Bewohner des Hauses, 20 Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 5 bis 21 Jahren, wurden im Sommer 2016 vom ursprünglichen […]

  • Thank you for following us and helping us in changing lives 😘 Makungu needs your help. Anyone who has furniture (Chairs, beds, tables, stools) that they are not using and is willing to donate for a good cause? Kindly contact us. Thank you for your support 😊

  • We are so happy to inform you about our first arriving of mattresses, cups, plates, pillows, soaps, a cooker, cleaning utensils, cutlery and blankets. This is the first step into our new home!Thanks to all the donators who make this possible!